K International Freight is a wholly Irish company and an approved live animal carrier worldwide and are authorized from the Irish Department of Agriculture. Our Pet Travel service is underpinned by our 50 years’ experience in International Pet Travel and we are market leaders in Ireland. We are members of IPATA which allows to offer our expertise to and from Ireland and worldwide through our fellow professional members.
We provide secure and safe Pet Travel relocations for domestic pets Dogs-Cats-Aquatics etc. to and from Ireland and destinations Worldwide.
Our popular Pet Travel destinations from and to Dublin, Ireland, UK, London, Spain, Malaga, Alicante, Madrid, Bilbao, Barcelona, France, Paris, Nice, Lyon, Toulouse, Marseille, Germany, Hamburg, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Munich, Frankfurt, Portugal, Faro, Lisbon, Italy, Rome, Milan, Venice, Switzerland, Zurich, Geneva, Greece, Athens, Belgium, Brussels, Holland, Amsterdam, Hungary, Budapest, Austria, Vienna, Denmark, Copenhagen, Sweden, Stockholm , Malmo, Norway, Oslo, Russia, Moscow , Estonia, Tallinn, Poland, Krakow, Warsaw, Finland, Helsinki, Czech Republic, Prague, Malta, Lithuania, Valletta, Vilnius, Croatia, Zagreb, Latvia, Riga, Ukraine, Kiev,
USA, New York JFK, New York Newark, Chicago, Washington Dulles, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Orlando, Seattle, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Austin, Philadelphia, Canada, Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary , Montreal, Australia, Sydney, Melbourne, New Zealand , Auckland, Christchurch, South Africa, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Kenya, Nairobi, Middle East, UAE, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Israel, Tel Aviv, Bahrain, Turkey, Istanbul , Kuwait, Qatar, Doha, Jordan, Amman, Saudi Aribia, Riyadh, Dammam, Far East, China, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Tokyo, Osaka, South Korea, Seoul, Taiwan, Taipei, Taipei, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur , Indonesia, Jakarta, Singapore, Philippines, Manila, Thailand, Bangkok, India, Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, and more...
K International Freight works with a number of airline partners including:
Get in touch with us today directly for the best rates.