New law on microchipping
In the Republic of Ireland from 31st March 2016 it will be compulsory for all dogs to be microchipped.
As a dog owner there are 3 things you need to know about the new legislation
Your dog MUST be microchipped and registered on a government approved database such as Fido by 31st March 2016
You must have a certificate from a government approved database such as Fido to prove that your dog is microchipped and registered on the database
You must keep your contact details up to date. Any changes of ownership or of contact details such as changes in address or phone number must be notified to the database
If you are buying, selling or transferring ownership
From 1st September 2015 all pups must be microchipped and registered with a government approved database such as Fido and that does not have a certificate from the database to prove this.
You must have a certificate from a government approved database such as Fido to prove that your dog is microchipped and registered on the database
You must inform a government approved database when you buy, sell, take ownership or transfer ownership of a dog.
What if my dog is already chipped?
If your dog is already chipped you still need to make sure your details are stored correctly on a government approved database and have a certificate to prove this.
To ensure your details are stored correctly and to apply for your certificate, please go to and you can check online.
More information at